Philip Challinor

In his spare time...

Philip enjoys spending time with his family; he is married and lives in suburban Birmingham with his wife, Charlotte, and their two boys. Philip and Charlotte are successful property investors and Philip is well versed in talking to clients about their property aspirations.

He enjoys cycling, hiking, rugby and football and regularly competes in the British Indoor Rowing Championships, where he has been agonisingly close to the sub-7-minute 2,000m barrier but as the years pass this is getting a harder milestone to beat! He has also played golf at county level and is a onetime scratch golfer. Despite what some of his clients think,  it’s a complete coincidence that Chatfield happens to rent an office at the golf club he is a member of!

Philip grew up on a farm and used to sit with his dad when he was drawing up his medium and long-term plans.

The farm was very, very tidy and organised. His parents are now thoroughly enjoying their retirement because they planned so well over so many years.

Philip’s farming background has shaped his character. He wants to ensure that his clients are thoroughly well organised in all aspects of their financial life.

Philip’s clients…

“You have really helped me to be personally involved and make a contribution to our financial planning. Before we came to you it was impossible for me to have an opinion based on ignorance. You present information in a format which is readily understood . It deserves a wide audience way beyond your client base. I also enjoy your philosophical add-on extras! Huge thanks for the excellent service you provide.”

“We found Philip through a friend when our existing adviser sold her business and we were unhappy with her successor. His refreshing modern approach enabled us to revaluate and bring up to date our financial position in retirement using simple and understandable analytical tools. We have now agreed the way forward and made many changes that are appropriate to our current and medium-term needs. He is always accessible for queries and responsive. Investment information is available on line. The agreed fee structure is very transparent and much better value as is the quality of advice and service we receive.”

“Philip listens and works out what the client really means / needs. He is extremely approachable. He avoids jargon and makes extremely clear presentations. My wife and I have had experience of several, bank based, “advisors” in the past; our experience was that, in the main, these were well trained salesmen/women who used just enough jargon to put the customer in his place. Furthermore, there was no clarity as to the cost of their advice. With Philip you get exactly what it says on the tin. There is complete clarity as to costs. Already his advice has proved financially rewarding.”

“Phil’s ongoing advice and guidance on our overall financial position is invaluable. His approach to explaining finances simply with diagrams makes it very easy for us to understand. I know he is acting in our best interests and it is a refreshing change to deal with someone so trustworthy and not motivated by selling the latest must-have financial product.”

“When we met with Phil and discussed our situation, he took on board everything we said and asked the necessary questions in order to gather all the information to understand our goals and attitude to risk and saving. Phil was able to clearly explain our current position and demonstrate how we could make changes to improve. He also made suggestions which we had not thought about previously. Following the meeting, Phil quickly followed up on our discussion and assisted in implementing the plans. Overall, a thoroughly professional, effective and efficient service which we are extremely happy with.”